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Cinna-bun Cake


Cinna-bun Cake


My Mother makes the most excellent cinnamon buns. I don’t make cinnamon buns…I’ve been longing for Mom’s cinnamon buns, but they’ve been absent. So I had to ad lib. Enter Cinnamon Bun

Cake, or as our two year ancient calls it, Cinabun Cake.



o 3 mugs flour


o 1/4 teaspoon salt

o 1 glass sugar

o 4 teaspoons preparing powder

o 1 1/2 mugs milk

o 2 eggs


o 2 teaspoons vanilla

o 1/2 container butter, melted


o 1 glass butter, softened

o 1 glass brown sugar


o 2 tablespoons flour

o 1 tablespoon cinnamon


o 2 glasses powdered sugar

o 5 tablespoons milk


o 1 teaspoon vanilla

How To Create Cinna-bun Cake

o Pre-heat broiler to 350F.

o Get ready a 9-inch x 13-inch preparing skillet by showering with non-stick cooking oil or, in case you lean toward, coat the skillet with butter.

o In a expansive bowl, blend all of the base fixings, with the special case of the butter, together until completely combined.

o Include the liquefied butter final and pour into the arranged dish; set aside,

To plan the topping:

o In a little bowl, blend all of the topping fixings together; blend well to combine.

To collect the cake for baking:

o Drop topping, by teaspoonful over the base, as equitably as you’ll , over the complete base.


o Utilize a butter cut and twirl the topping into the base.

o Put into the pre-heated broiler and prepare for 28 – 30 minutes.

To plan and utilize the glaze:

o Whereas the cake is heating, employing a little bowl, get ready the coat by blending all fixings until completed combined; set aside.

o Expel cake from broiler and coat the cake whereas still warm.

For more recipes click here

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