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Overlooked Chicken


Overlooked Chicken


Would you accept me in case I told you you simply require five fixings to create this? It’s genuine. The base of the dish is diminutive rice, which is kind of amusing since this prepares for a great

long time — but don’t stress, nothing turns to mush. You take that rice and you blend it with two cans of soup and one can’s worth of water. Any condensed soup will work but I like a combo of

chicken and celery here.That blend goes into a lubed preparing dish.


o 2 glasses diminutive rice


o 1 can cream of chicken soup

o 1 can cream of celery soup

o 1 can water

o 5 boneless skinless chicken breasts (almost 1 1/2 lbs)

o 1 envelope onion soup mix


o Butter, for lubing dish

How To Create Overlooked Chicken

1. Preheat stove to 350°F and oil a 9×13-inch heating dish with butter. Set aside.

2.In a medium bowl, blend together the chicken soup, celery soup, 1 can’s worth of water, and miniature rice.

3. Exchange blend to arranged pan.

4. Orchestrate chicken breasts on best of rice blend, at that point sprinkle onion soup blend equally over the best.


5. Cover dish firmly with thwart, at that point heat until chicken is cooked through and fluid has retained into rice, around 90 minutes.

For more recipes click here

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