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Amish Hamburger Steak Bake


Amish Hamburger Steak Bake



There’s something incredibly comforting about a perfectly prepared home-cooked meal that

combines hearty meat and sweet potatoes. Amish Hamburger Steak Bake! This dish has its roots in

simple and delicious Amish cuisine, where each dish is prepared with love and a desire to bring


people together. You can prepare these delicious meals for your whole family, satisfy your longing for

bad home-made tastes, or if you want to feed your

loved ones with a meal that feels like a lap on a plate.

This Hamburger Steak Bake is loaded with sweet potato fries, so it’s easy to make sides: a garden

salad or green beans tossed with some butter can add plenty of color and freshness to your delicious


meal. If you want a little more satisfaction, buttered cornbread or some pickled carrots would work


Amish Hamburger Steak Bake


Amish Hamburger Steak Bake new york times recipes


– 1/2 kilo ground beef


– 1/2 teaspoon garlic cloves

– 1/2 teaspoon onion powder

– Salt and pepper to taste Milk

– 2 cups, divided

– 1/4 cup whole


– 4- 5 medium sized potatoes, finely chopped

– 1 medium onion, finely chopped

– 1 glass of grated cheddar cheese


1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and lightly grease a 9×13 baking dish.

2. Mix ground beef with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Mix well and

make 6 pieces.

3. Cook the scallops in a pan over medium heat until browned on both sides and set aside (they do

not need to be fully cooked at this point).

4. Beat 1 glass of milk and flour in the same way until smooth. Add the rest of the milk little by little


and stir until it thickens. Add more salt and pepper if necessary.

5. Arrange half the potatoes on the bottom of the prepared plate and half the fried onions on top.

6. Place the burger patties on top of the onions and cover with the remaining potatoes and onions.

7. Pour the prepared sauce over the entire plate.

8. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 1 hour. After 1 hour, remove the foil, sprinkle the cheddar

cheese on top, and bake, uncovered, for another 15 minutes or until the cheese melts and bubbles.

Variations and Tips

– For a lighter finish, stir a teaspoon of chili powder or a few drops of hot sauce into the ground beef


– If you have food enthusiasts who do not like onions, you can reduce the amount or leave it out


– Cut the potatoes as much as possible to know and cook. If you have a mandolin slicer, now is the

time to use it!

– For a healthy lifestyle, try to consume peanuts and choose less milk and cheese.

– And remember: leftovers (if you have any!) are just as good, if not better, for you.

This Amish Hamburger Steak Bake is not just a meal; It is the symbol of love. Sit down with your

family, set the table, and watch everyone explore a little of home cooking. To enjoy!

For more recipes click here

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