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Southern Cake – Strawberry – Pineapple – Punch Bowl


Southern Cake – Strawberry – Pineapple – Punch Bowl






°1 box of yellow cake mix


1 (6-ounce) bundle moment vanilla pudding

1 expansive can of smashed pineapple, drained

2 bundles (10 ounces) solidified strawberries

° 2 bananas

1 carton (16 ounces) of Cool Whip


Southern Cake – Strawberry – Pineapple – Punch Bowl


Southern Cake - Strawberry - Pineapple - Punch Bowl new york times recipes


to prepare


Preheat broiler to 350 degrees F


Mix the cake player agreeing to the pressing methods.

Divide cake player into circular pans.

Bake the cakes aside to cool.

Mix the pudding concurring to bundle bearings. Cold.

Cut one layer of cake into little pieces; Put in a punch bowl.


Spread half of the pudding on the confront. At that point we include half of the pineapple and a can of


Slice a banana over it. Include 1/2 bundle of cold whip, spreading to totally coat.

Repeat with the other coat, finishing with Cool Whip.

Refrigerate the cake overnight so the strawberries and their juices defrost. service


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