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Bake one of our damp and fruity apple cakes for evening tea. Select from rural nation apple traybakes, toffee apple squares, daydream cakes and more.

Apples have continuously been the undisputed stars of the hand crafted dessert, counting our exceptionally possess apple cake:

Tasty, delicate, and full of flavor, it truly is the extreme consolation nourishment! After all, anybody who has attempted one knows fair how comforting a hand crafted apple cake can be, with its

straightforward sweetness, delicate surface, and unmistakable smell; immortal flavors that invoke up recollections of time went through with family, each with its claim formula to be closely


protected just like the most valuable of treasure.

This formula is for our possess form of apple cake, idealize for an liberal and mouth-watering treat to be shared with cherished ones, in spite of the fact that there are numerous varieties of this

dessert, from one with cut apples to a light adaptation, without butter or with mascarpone cheese!


3 apples, cut into wedges

For the batter:


150g (3/4 container) sugar

220g butter

340g (1 container) honey

180ml (3/4 glass) buttermilk

3 eggs


1 tsp vanilla extract

300g (2 1/2 mugs) flour

2 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg


10g heating powder

For the caramel:

100g (1/2 glass) sugar

3 tbsp water


In the dish include sugar and water, cook on medium warm until turns into caramel, and beat apples with arranged caramel.

In another container cook butter for 6 minutes on medium warm, blend with nectar, buttermilk, eggs, sugar, and vanilla extricate, filter within the flour, heating powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg,

and include in salt.

Pour onto the apples and caramel.

Bake at 170°C (340°F) for 1 hour. Let it cool for 15 minutes and serve.


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