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Cheeseburger and Potato Casserole


Cheeseburger and Potato Casserole






1 pound ground beef


1 medium onion, chopped

3 to 4 medium potatoes, daintily cut

Salt and pepper to taste

1 container ground cheddar cheese

1 can (10.5 ounces) cream of mushroom condensed soup or chicken Cream)


1/2 container milk

1/2 container acrid cream

Paprika or dried herbs (discretionary for seasoning)

Cheeseburger and Potato Casserole


Cheeseburger and Potato Casserole new york times recipes




Preheat broiler and get ready ingredients.

Heat broiler to 350°F (175°). C) some time recently C).

Peel the potatoes (on the off chance that craved) and cut them into lean cuts. Set aside.

Cook the ground meat:


Cook the ground meat and onions in a pan over medium warm until the meat is browned and the onions are delicate. Discharge abundance fat.

Season with salt and pepper.

Stir condensed soup, drain, and acrid cream in a bowl until smooth.

Assemble the casserole.

In a lubed 9×13-inch heating dish, layer half of the potato slices.

Spread half of the cooked minced meat over the potatoes.

Pour half of the cream sauce over the hamburger and potatoes.

Layer with remaining potatoes, hamburger, and sauce.

Sprinkle ground cheddar cheese on best and include a squeeze of paprika or dried herbs, if utilizing.



Cover the

mold with aluminum thwart and prepare in the preheated broiler for 1 hour.

Remove the thwart and heat for an extra 20 to 30 minutes, or until the potatoes are delicate and brilliant brown and bubbly.

Serving Instructions:


Let the casserole cool for a few minutes some time recently serving to permit it to firm up and make

cutting less demanding.

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