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Cornish Meat Pasties


Cornish Meat Pasties



o 1 pound hamburger (ground or destroyed roast)

o 1 pound Yukon Gold potatoes, diced

o 2 medium-sized carrots, peeled and diced

o 1 little onion, diced


o 2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce

o 2 cloves garlic, minced

o ½ teaspoon dried rosemary

o ½ teaspoon dried thyme

o Salt and pepper to taste



o 3 glasses all-purpose flour

o 1 adhere unsalted butter, chilled

o 1 teaspoon salt

o 2 egg yolks, divided


o ½ glass cold water

How To Form Cornish Meat Pasties

Let’s make the batter: Begin by combining the flour and salt. Once they’re blended include chilled butter until the blend gets to be brittle. In a bowl blend together water and egg yolk at that point

mix it into the flour mixture. Let it chill within the fridge for 30 minutes.

Now, onto the filling: Start by browning the hamburger and flavoring it to your enjoying.Sauté the vegetables until they’re nearly delicate. At that point include minced dried herbs to combine with

the beef.


Time to shape the pasties: Isolate the mixture into six parcels and roll them out into circles. Soak the edges of each circle spoon a few filling onto one side at that point overlay over and seal them


Baking time: Preheat your stove to 400°F (200°C) and line a heating plate with material paper or thwart.Put your pasties on the plate. Cut openings on beat of each one for ventilation. Brush them

with an egg wash for a wrap up. Heat within the preheated broiler for 35 to 40 minutes until they turn brown.

If you favor solidifying a few for satisfaction.Heat them mostly for 20 minutes, in development some time recently solidifying them. When you’re prepared to eat brush each pasties with an egg

wash. Prepare for an extra 20 minutes.

Finally savor each nibble as you encounter all of those flavors from your Ancient Designed Cornish Meat Pasties!

For more recipes click here


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