Cured Beets
-10 pounds new little beets, stems removed
-2 mugs white sugar
-1 tablespoon pickling salt
-1 quart white vinegar
-¼ container entirety cloves
Step 1:
Place beets in a expansive stockpot with water to cover. Bring to a bubble, and cook until delicate, approximately 15 minutes depending on the estimate of the beets. In case beets are huge, cut
them into quarters. Deplete, saving 2 mugs of the beet water, cool and peel.
Step 2:
Sterilize containers and covers by submerging in bubbling water for at slightest 10 minutes.Fill each jostle with beets and include a few entire cloves to each jar.
Step 3:
In a huge pan, combine the sugar, beet water, vinegar, and pickling salt. Bring to a fast bubble. Pour the hot brine over the beets within the jugs, and seal lids.
Step 4:
Place a rack within the foot of a expansive stockpot and fill midway with water.Bring to a bubble over tall warm, at that point carefully lower the jugs into the pot employing a holder. Take off a 2
inch space between the jugs. Pour in more bubbling water in the event that essential until the water level is at slightest 1 inch over the tops of the jugs. Bring the water to a full bubble, cover the
pot, and prepare for 10 minutes.