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Damp Coconut Macaroons Formula 


Damp Coconut Macaroons Formula


Try this Filipino adaptation of coconut macaroons


1/3 container butter, softened

3/4 container sugar

2 eggs


1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 container flour

2 mugs parched coconut


Line smaller than expected biscuit dish with paper mugs. Set aside.


In a bowl, cream butter employing a hand blender on moo speed.

Add sugar and beat together until well mixed and fluffy.

Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each expansion.

Add condensed drain and vanilla extricate and proceed to defeat until blended.

In a medium bowl, combine flour and dried up coconut. Include to the egg blend and beat until combined.


Scoop into the arranged biscuit dish and prepare in a 350 F stove for almost 15 to 20 minutes or until brilliant and a toothpick embedded within the center comes out clean.

Remove from preparing skillet and let cool on a wire rack for almost 5 minutes.

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