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Lemon Velvet Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting


Lemon Velvet Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting

This was my nana’s fave cake recipe

Transform life’s lemons into a delightful Lemon Velvet Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Icing! This formula isn’t fair a treat for your taste buds; it’s a tribute to cherished recollections. Initially

made for my lemon-loving grandma, this cake combines the tart get-up-and-go of lemons with the velvety lavishness of cream cheese icing. Its sunny, shinning yellow tint emanates bliss and is

culminate for any summer gathering, excursion, or potluck.

This cake isn’t excessively sweet, striking the culminate adjust with its wet, light surface and lemony flavor.It’s ended up a family favorite, a way to honor my grandmother’s memory and her


affection for lemon pastries. Each time we prepare it, we celebrate her legacy.

Lemon Velvet Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting:


Cake Flour: 1 ¾ cups

Baking Powder: 1 tsp

Baking Pop: ½ tsp


Salt: ½ tsp

Unsalted Butter (room temp): ½ cup

Sugar: 1 cup

Large Eggs (room temp): 2

Egg Whites (room temp): 2


Fresh Lemon Juice: ⅓ cup

Buttermilk: ½ cup

Lemon Get-up-and-go: 2 tbsp

Vanilla Extricate: ½ tsp

For Frosting:


Cream Cheese (room temp): 8 oz

Unsalted Butter (room temp): 4 oz

Powdered Sugar: 3 cups

Fresh Lemon Juice: 1 tbsp

Lemon Get-up-and-go: 1 tsp

Lemon Velvet Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting

Lemon Velvet Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting new york times recipes


Preheat your broiler to 350° F and plan two 9-inch cake dish by lubing and flouring them.

Whisk together the cake flour, preparing powder, preparing pop, and salt in a medium bowl.

Cream the butter and sugar in a expansive bowl until light and cushy.


Gradually include the eggs and egg whites, blending well after each addition.

Blend within the lemon juice, buttermilk, lemon get-up-and-go, and vanilla extract.

Combine the dry and damp fixings until smooth.

Divide the player equitably between the dish and heat for 20-25 minutes. Check doneness with a toothpick.

Let the cakes cool in dish for 10 minutes, at that point exchange to a wire rack.


Beat the cream cheese and butter until creamy.

Gradually blend in powdered sugar, lemon juice, and zest.

Frost the cooled cake layers.

This Lemon Velvet Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Icing could be a idealize mix of reviving lemon and smooth cream cheese.It’s a simple formula that’s bound to inspire and bring smiles. Share

this delightful dessert along with your adored ones – it’s beyond any doubt to be a hit!

For more recipes click here

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