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Potato lasagna with chicken




2 tablespoons olive oil

1 chopped onion

2 pulverized garlic cloves

450g cooked and destroyed chicken


1 container tomato sauce (tea)

1 container of cream cheese (200g)

Salt, dark pepper and chopped parsley to taste

500g peeled potato

olive oil for greasing


400g ground provolone cheese for sprinkling

Potato lasagna with chicken


Potato lasagna with chicken new york times recipes

Method of preparation


In a container, over medium warm, warm the oil and sear the onion and garlic for 4 minutes.


Add the chicken, sauce and sauté for 3 minutes.

Add the bungalow cheese, salt, pepper, green scent and blend. Cut the potatoes into slices

slices on a mandolin and drench in water until prepared to use.

In a lubed medium headstrong, scatter layers of stew, potato, stew and

of cheese, finishing in cheese.


Bake in preheated stove for 30 minutes or until browned. Expel and serve.

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