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o 1 lb. ground beef

o 1 envelope taco flavoring mix

o 2 (8 oz.) cans Pillsbury bow rolls

o 1 (16 oz.) can refried beans (I utilized the jalapeƱo kind)


o 2-3 mugs destroyed cheddar cheese or Mexican blend

o 1/2 container chopped tomatoes

o 1/4 container cut dark olives

o 4 green onions, chopped

o Warm broiler to 375 degrees.


How To Create TACO PIZZA

Brown ground meat and deplete.Include taco flavoring to the ground hamburger concurring to the bundle directions

Unroll bow rolls into rectangles. Put in ungreased 11 1/2 inch x 16 1/2 inch jam roll dish or cookie sheet. Press mixture over the foot and 1/2 inch up sides to make outside. Heat at 375 broiler for 11

to 13 minutes or fair until brilliant brown.

Microwave beans in a microwave secure bowl for 1 diminutive.Carefully spread beans over warm outside making a lean layer.

Top with cooked meat blend, sprinkle with cheese taken after by tomatoes, dark olives and green onion. Return to stove for 3-6 more minutes until cheese is softened. Serve quickly. Makes 12


primary dish servings or 48 appetizers.

For more recipes click here

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