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Walking Taco Bake 


Walking Taco Bake


1 pound ground beef 1 package taco seasoning 2/3 cup  Fritos Chili Cheese Water 1/2 can Cheddar cheese soup
1/4 cup milk 1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded Instructions: 1.) Beef or turkey Sauté over medium  heat until no
longer pink in color. Drain the fat and add  the taco seasoning and water. 2.) Simmer in […]


 1 pound ground beef
 1 package taco seasoning
 2/3 cup water
 Chili Cheese Fries
 1/2 can Cheddar cheese soup
 1/4 cup milk
 1 cup grated Mozzarella cheese


 1.) Sear beef or turkey over medium-high heat until no longer pink. Drain the fat and add  the taco seasoning
and water.
 2.) Simmer  for about 5 minutes until the liquid is absorbed and the meat is completely covered with the
 3.) Place the Chili Cheese Fritos in the bottom of an 8 x 8 baking dish. Place the seasoned meat on the Fritos.
 4.) Heat the cheddar cheese soup and milk in a saucepan over low heat. Once hot, pour the cheese mixture over
the meat.5.) Sprinkle the mozzarella evenly over the cheese and place the pan in the preheated 350° oven for
about 12 to 14 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and place the desired amount on a plate.

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