Caring for your peace lily
Add a tablespoon to the water and water the peace lily. New leaves appear quickly
The peace lily, scientifically known as spathiphyllum, is a symbol of calm in houseplant collections.
This green beauty is native to the warm, humid forests of South America and is also found in certain
tropical regions. It thrives indoors when cared for with a loving hand. If you want to see those pristine
white blooms unfurl, here’s a golden tip.
While the peace lily, like all plants, thrives in a combination of light and water, its unique
characteristics require special care.It also proves its adaptability as a houseplant and grows happily in
both bright and shady locations. However, regulating the amount of light and shade will help keep
the leaves lush and prevent them from drying out. The flowering period reaches its peak between
May and October and offers an exquisite floral spectacle.
Caring for your peace lily:
1. Annual Transplant:
This plant enjoys a change of soil every spring, a routine that it must follow until maturity. Mature
plants simply benefit from renewing the soil in the top layer, about 4 cm deep. Consider enriching the
soil in spring with specialty fertilizer for green plants. Also, ensure adequate drainage when
transplanting to avoid standing water.
2. Foliage Focus:
Peace lilies, as tropical natives, have an affinity for moisture. A neglected plant may droop, but
generous watering will revive it. If your peace lily suffers from a prolonged lack of water and appears
dry, place the pot in a tray filled with water for a few hours to allow it to recover. Prune wilted or dead
leaves regularly to keep the plant healthy.
3. Humidity and Hygiene:
A dried peace lily becomes an attractive habitat for pests. Regularly misting the leaves and keeping
them dusted will improve humidity and keep annoying insects away.
4. Constant watering:
Since peace lilies are tropical, they appreciate moist soil.Daily watering in summer and weekly
watering in winter should be sufficient. But here’s a game-changer: add gelatin to the water.
Why gelatin?
Gelatin works wonders on plants, providing them with a nitrogen boost that is essential for their
growth. This natural active ingredient not only strengthens the peace lily’s defenses, but also
promotes lush flowering.Here are simple instructions:
Heat a glass of water (without boiling) and dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in it.
After cooling, add three glasses of normal water.
Use this preparation to water the peace lily once a month, especially during its active growth periods
in spring and summer.
With this gelatin tip in your plant care arsenal, you can look forward to seeing a peace lily full of life
and vibrant blooms in just a few days.
For houseplant lovers, peace lilies are a testament to the wonders of nature.Its lush foliage and bright
flowers are not only aesthetically pleasing, but are also said to purify the air. With proper care, they
can be a long-lasting centerpiece of your indoor garden.