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Dessert aux 4 ingrédients prêt en seulement 10 minutes


Dessert aux 4 ingrédients prêt en seulement 10 minutes



To start, I’m sharing a dessert recipe with only four ingredients that can be prepared in just ten

minutes. If you want to satisfy your hunger without spending too much time in the kitchen, this four-

ingredient dessert is for you because it can be prepared in just 10 minutes. The change is very simple


as it is easy to make and use common items you already have in your kitchen. Find all the ingredients

and follow these steps to prepare this delicious dessert and complete the haul in no time!

Dessert aux 4 ingrédients prêt en seulement 10 minutes


50 milliliters of lemon juice

2 cups of cream

Two cups of whole milk


A pack of cookie dough.

1 teaspoon lemon zest and ground pasta.


After whisking for about a minute, add the milk and cream to the blender.

Add lemon juice to boiling water little by little and whisk for 3 minutes. Pour the mixture into a bowl.

Pour a layer of cream into an ovenproof dish, cover with biscuits moistened with milk and reheat.


Continue this until all ingredients are used, but finish with cream.

Sprinkle with lemon slices and crushed cookies and refrigerate for at least an hour or two.

Serve this delicious dessert, made with only four ingredients, straight from the refrigerator.

For more recipes click here

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