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Herb and Garlic Marinated Cheese in Mason Jar


Herb and Garlic Marinated Cheese in Mason Jar



Ah, the simplicity and joy of marinated cheese! I remember my mother preparing jars of these treats

for special gatherings and holidays. This recipe for Herb and Garlic Marinated Cheesecake takes me

on a little journey back to those times. Cheese marinated in a mixture of spices and garlic not only


improves the taste, but also makes a pleasant and practical gift. Anyone who wants to add charm to

appetizers or wants a nice homemade gift will find this recipe perfect.

This marinated cheese tastes delicious with whole wheat bread or crackers and makes a delicious

accompaniment to a plate of fresh fruit or rich meat. It’s great as part of a charcuterie board or served

on its own for guests at an informal gathering. White or light red, a glass of your favorite wine


completes the taste.

Herb and Garlic Marinated Cheese in Mason Jar



8 oz block of feta, cubed

8 oz block of mozzarella, cubed

1 cup olive oil


4 cloves of garlic, minced

2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped

2 tablespoons fresh thyme, chopped

1 teaspoon dried thyme.

1 teaspoon red pepper flakes


Zest of 1 lemon

Salt and pepper to taste



1. Place a medium-sized jar in water for 10 minutes

2. In a small bowl, combine the olive oil and minced garlic cloves, rosemary, thyme, dried thyme, red

pepper and lemon. Mix well.

3. Place the feta cheese and mozzarella cubes in a sterile glass jar.

4. Pour the olive oil mixture over the cheese and make sure it covers the entire cheese. Press gently on

the counter to remove bad air.


5. Add salt and pepper to taste.

6. Close the jar tightly and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours to allow the flavors to blend


7. Serve cold or bring to room temperature before serving.

Varieties and tips


You can use different cheeses such as cheddar, gouda or pepper jack cheese for different profiles.

Consider adding other herbs like basil or dill, or add olive oil and different spices like cumin or

coriander for a unique touch. To add elegance, add edible flowers before sealing the jar.

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