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Potato Burger Casserole


Potato Burger Casserole


This is pure comfort food! Heaven in your mouth!
Greetings, dear readers! Today I’m excited to help you prepare a dish that epitomizes comfort food at

its finest: Hamburger Potato Casserole. This dish comes from the traditions of American home

cooking, where warmth, friendliness and simplicity prevail.It’s a nod to the days when meals were

carefully prepared and the emphasis was on filling the stomach and warming the heart without


breaking the bank. Ground beef and potatoes form the base of this popular casserole, making it the

ideal choice for busy evenings or when you’re craving a taste of home. I’ve put a personal touch on

this classic casserole, inviting you into a world where humble ingredients come together to create a

rich tapestry of flavor.

Complement this casserole with a crisp green salad, drizzled with a savory vinaigrette and a side of


hearty steamed vegetables for a balanced feast. A loaf of crusty bread on the side completes this

comforting meal and is perfect for a family meal or a lavish solo retreat.

Potato Burger Casserole



1 1/2 pounds ground beef

4 large russet potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced ​​


1 medium onion, chopped

2 cups grated cheddar cheese

1 can (10.75 oz) condensed cream of mushroom soup

3/4 cup Milk

1 teaspoon garlic powder


1 teaspoon paprika

Salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons olive oil

Chopped fresh parsley to decorate

Potato Burger Casserole new york times recipes


Preparation: First we preheat the oven to 175°C. Lightly grease a 23 x 33 cm baking dish with a little

olive oil.

Cook the meat: Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Saute ground beef and chopped onions until

meat is cooked through and onions are tender. Be sure to drain any excess fat from the pan.Continue


with the casserole:

Layer: Place a layer of sliced ​​potatoes on the bottom of the greased casserole dish. Top with half of

the cooked meat and onion mixture. Sprinkle a cup of shredded cheddar cheese over the meat.

Repeat layers with remaining potatoes, meat, and cheese.

Mix the sauce: In a bowl, stir together the condensed mushroom cream, milk, garlic powder, paprika,

salt and pepper.Once mixed, pour the mixture evenly over the casserole, making sure it penetrates

into the layers.

Baking: Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and place in the preheated oven. Bake for about 1

hour and 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender and the casserole is bubbly.

Decorate and serve: Once the casserole is ready, let it rest for a few minutes before decorating with

fresh parsley. Serve hot and enjoy the comforting embrace of this hearty meal.This burger and potato

casserole is more than just a meal; It’s a warm hug on a plate that offers comfort and satisfaction with

every bite. It’s proof that the simplest ingredients, when combined with love and a little creativity, can

produce the most heavenly flavors. So gather your ingredients and let us bring this comforting dish to

your table. Here’s how to find heaven in your mouth, pot by pot!

For more recipes click here

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