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Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings


Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings


Chicken and dumplings are probably the ultimate comfort food. Tender, juicy chicken schnitzel and soft dumplings in a rich, creamy broth sauce.



or 1 onion (diced)

or 6 boneless, skinless chicken thighs


or 1 can of cream of chicken soup

or 1 can of cream of celery

or 2 tbsp. Fresh parsley (chopped)

or 1 tsp. Poultry Seasoning

or 2 c.Chicken Broth


or 1 can Refrigerated Buttermilk Biscuits

or 2 c. Frozen Mixed Vegetables (thawed)

or black pepper to taste


How to Make Chicken and Dumplings in the Crockpot



1. Place the chopped onions in the bottom of your crockpot.

2. Place the chicken thighs in a single layer on top of the chopped onions.3. Place 1 can of cream of chicken soup in a bowl.

4. Pour a can of celery cream into the glass.

5.Add 1 teaspoon of poultry seasoning to the bowl.

6. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley.


7. Season with black pepper.8. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl and pour over the chicken legs in the casserole dish.

9. Pour 2 cups of chicken broth over the chicken.

10.Place the pot on the highest setting for 5 hours and close the lid.

11. Do not open the lid until the crockpot display shows only 1 hour of cooking time left. When there is an hour left, open the lid and pour in 2 cups of thawed mixed vegetables.

12.Mix well in the pot and shred the chicken legs while stirring.

13. Open a container of refrigerated cookies and flatten them one at a time. Cut each cookie into 4 long slices.

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