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German Potato Pancakes


German Potato Pancakes


These German potato hotcakes are a pleasant alter from standard flapjacks. They make a awesome supper supper when served with Bratwurst wiener. I spread mine with cranberry sauce and beat

with maple syrup.


o 2 expansive eggs

o 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour


o ¼ teaspoon heating powder

o ½ teaspoon salt

o ¼ teaspoon pepper

o 6 medium potatoes, peeled and shredded

o ½ glass finely chopped onion


o ¼ container vegetable oil

How To Create German Potato Pancakes

1. Beat eggs, flour, preparing powder, salt, and pepper together in a huge bowl; blend in potatoes and onion.

2. Warm oil in a huge skillet over medium warm. Drop loading tablespoonfuls of potato blend into hot oil in clusters. Press to straighten. Cook until browned and fresh, approximately 3 minutes

on each side.Exchange to a paper towel-lined plate to deplete. Rehash with remaining potato blend.

For more recipes click here


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