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Cinna-bun Cake In The Oven Recipe


Cinna-bun Cake In The Oven Recipe



Eating this Cinna-bun Cake is a journey into my grandmother’s dessert kitchen, where the scent of

cinnamon and sugar fills the air and love is a secret. Passed down from generation to generation, this

recipe carries a legacy of family gatherings, laughter, and the endless fun of cooking together.


Cinna-bun Cake In The Oven Recipe



For the cake:

o 3 C. Flour

o 1 C. Refined sugar

o 1 tablespoon. Baking powder


or 1 ½ C. Milk

or large eggs

or 8 tbsp. Unsalted and melted butter

or 1 teaspoon. Vanilla extract

For the topping:


o 1 C. Soft butter

o 1 C. Brown sugar

o 3 tablespoons. All-purpose flour

or 3 teaspoons. Cinnamon

For the above:


o 2 C. Powdered sugar

o ⅓ C. Milk

o 1 teaspoon. Vanilla

How to Make Cinna-bun Cake in the Oven

o Preheat oven to 350 degrees

o Combine all cake ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix until smooth. Spread the cake mixture into a

well-greased 9×13 pan. o Add the above ingredients into the mixing bowl until smooth and oily.

Spoon the mixture into the spoon and pour over the cake mixture in the baking dish. Use a butter

knife to roll the top onto the cake mixture.

o Bake for 40-45 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.


o Mix the cream ingredients until smooth and pour over the hot cake.

o Wait for the glaze to harden before serving.

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